Enchanted Peace

Place your order for this rose anytime and pick it up at the garden center when we open in April. 

We do not ship our roses. 

A stunning Hybrid Tea rose of orange and yellow. The shape is classic hybrid tea and the blooms change to subtle colors of pink and yellow as they age. Beautiful in all stages of bloom. The plant is disease resistant and the foliage is glossy green. On top of all that, there is a strong tea fragrance. New for us this season it is reported to be hardy in Zone 5. We will be anxious to plant in our garden.  Thank you Star Roses for a great picture, we will have one from our own garden soon. 

  • Hybrid Tea (MEIzoloi) 
  • Tall, growing to 5 feet.
  • Strong Fragrance
  • Zone 5
  • Own-root