Place your order for this rose anytime and pick it up at the garden center when we open in April.
We do not ship our roses.
We are excited about this series of roses developed in Serbia by a group of breeders who are devoted to seeking out the best in color, fragrance, bloom power, and over-all great garden roses. They are available here in North America for the first time. We had a few here in our garden center in 2022 and they did not disappoint.
The blooms are bowl-shaped with a high petal count, attractive and long-lasting. Reniniscent Pink is a good shade of pink, perhaps we would call it bridal pink. The foliage is dark green, setting off the blooms nicely. It is not necessary to dead-head for continuing bloom. It is registered in the shrub category of roses and is a nice compact 3 to 4-foot sized bush. This rose is also reported hardy to zone 4 which we are trialing in the Rosarium Display Zone 5 garden.
Reminiscent® roses represent a new day for rose lovers, combining the classic beauty and fragrance of old-fashioned roses with modern-day performance. We will also be carrying Coral and Crema.